Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Wow, so who would have thought that the cliffhanger follow-up season premiere of Lost could be seriously challenged by politics?

Yep, we've been without Lost for darn near a year, and the two-hour premiere is on Thursday at 9 pm**. But we're also less than a week away from Super Tuesday and CNN, the Los Angeles Times and POLITICO are throwing a Democratic debate tomorrow night. It's scheduled to start at 8 pm and last 90 minutes.

Um, hope nothing interesting happens in the first quarter of Lost?

Hope no sparks fly in the last third of the debate?

Wow, this is a pickle! If ABC were smart they'd delay the start of Lost. (Or maybe if CNN were smart, they'd start it earlier.)

Either way, this is one of those moments where one would really love a TiVo.

(That is, if one lived in the States. For us? Watch the rerun of the debate at 2 pm Friday on CNN International and download Lost on the Apple iTunes Store at about the same time ...)

UPDATE: I just found out the Lost premiere is on at 8 pm! Oh my stars and garters, what is the American television watching public going to do?!?
posted by Josh at 4:55 PM |